Our books
Since 3 decades, Spirale publishers have been intellectually surrounding Gr1 to Gr. 9 scholars, by publishing innovative books, as well as answer-sheets, covering several scientific topics in Physics, Chemistry and Life Sciences. They are available in both French and English languages. With Spirale publishers our partners receive full solution, since our publishing system follows an inside out approach released by teaching instructors who master the topics inconformity with the lebanese curriculum.
Our digital books
Aligned with their deep routed mission, Spirale publishers have always been an active player in Lebanon and abroad, with innovative approach helping scholars with uniterruped learning despite trajic events that happened in Lebanon from the pandemic to the financial burdens. For instance, they shifted to interactive e-books that could adapt to the online learning, proposed interactive E-books for their hard copy books. In many instances e-books were offered for free.